Monday, August 13, 2007

A lukewarm serving of fractious Shamen Ramen

Numerical Riffs:

1. I love it how i continue to fuck up apparent golden opportunities to acquiesce betterment into my existence quadrant only to then bobble, unhinge this benevolent force, excuse myself of feeble, daunting blunder (at a faster rate), then stew about it much later, only to find out it was foolish to be bogged down because something worse has happened, and i got over that faster. Blank check of woe.

2. I snicker and writhe how, in typing this right now, looking at the iraq snipers overhead;I blisteringly revel in bohemian sorcery and flagrant, excretory banality. I love that i just went and allowed Pelican to debrief me with mammoth, satisfying, predictable panache and I am still conflicted whether or not the contents of this computer screen conflict with an ideological stance. GUN=TEMPLE=TO THE CLUB!!!!!

3. I enjoy thinking that most people I encounter that I am attracted to believe I am a free form, spouting douche and somehow with Inanimate Paralysis. When this starts to lose relevance, and responsibility shifts to my hands to dazzle and uphold, I start to resent them for shattering and recalibrating my understanding of the interaction.

4. I am now going to craft a stoically unabashed IPA, like any northwestern commoner would at 1:30 am. After that, i will lay in my toxic roughage and imagine a world without all the interesting things i read about. And die for 5 to 8 hours. Read.........reading.............INNER OPAL DISCHARGE GRADIENT wit my MUZZLED FRECKLE ION TRENCH, killa.

5. If you are still my friend, buy me a lozenge. Give me the lozenge.


Maria said...

Re: #1.
You got to live in the moment, hippie. Worrying is pointless because as you say, by the time you find out about that, a bunch of other shit has happened.

Re #3
I believe your second statement basically proves your first =P

Grellerdon said...

I got a lozenge for you, culo. It's the purple headed yogurt slinger krypton sausage piston violator flavor. OK wait, did i miss most of the points you were trying to make? I am a yin yang, I am salad.